Welcome To The ISIP 2024 Spring Advanced Workshop Landing Page!

Here you will find all you need to have a great workshop experience. We will post the Zoom Link and other document links on this page prior to the workshop for you to quickly reference if you have questions or need anything.

The workshop is held in person at CWI’s Pintail Building (APIN) in room 1318 in Boise Idaho (1360 S. Eagle Flight Way, Boise ID 83709).

Here is the Zoom Link for the workshop: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82682479808?pwd=MGFYQWlXdVAwWGxQdnRWZmgxQXhqUT09

Meeting ID: 826 8247 9808
Passcode: adler

Click the links below to download the materials for the workshop.

One Generic Mental Illness Article

Other  Suggested and Recommended Articles:


CLICK HERE TO FILL OUT THE Workshop Evaluation Form


BILL PETTIT’S WEBSITE Never Broken: Nothing Lacking.  One Cause: One Cure https://drbillpettit.com/

LINDA PETTIT’S WEBSITE https://lindasandelpettit.com/

SYDNEY BANKS WEBSITE https://sydbanks.com/




If you would like to order Linda’s book on Amazon, here is a direct link: https://amzn.to/3TCOCeb

Workshop Schedule

(All times are Mountain Time)

Friday, April 12th, 2024

8:30 – 10:00 AM  Session 1
Welcome and introduction

Three Universal Principles as a metaphor to explain the connection between our spiritual nature and our psychological and physiological experience

10:00 – 10:15 AM  Break

10:15 AM  – 12:00 PM  Session 2
Further exploration of the nature and attributes of Universal Mind, Universal Consciousness, and Universal Thought

12:00 – 1:00 PM  Lunch

1:00  –  2:15 PM  Session 3
Questions that have arisen

One Generic Mental Illness: A Principle-Based Psycho-Spiritual Explanation of General Factor p and Its Application to Spiritually Informed Clinical Practice

2:15 – 2:30 PM  Break

2:30 – 4:00 PM  Session 4
Never broken; nothing lacking – fresh hope for the fields of psychiatry, psychology and the world

All human psyches are rooted in universal truth and no person’s psyche is better than any other’s. Only to the degree of the individual’s psychological and spiritual understanding does it appear to vary.” — Sydney Banks

Saturday, April 13th, 2024

8:30 – 10:00 AM  Session 5
Questions and discussions from yesterday

10:00 – 10:15 AM  Break

10:15 AM  – 12:00 PM  Session 6
Exploring trauma and addiction from the perspective of the Three Universal Principles

12:00 – 1:00 PM  Lunch

1:00  –  2:15 PM  Session 7
Exploring emotional and/or physical distress as Love Letters with a salutary opportunity for discovering a fresh and needed insight to navigate a present life challenge

2:15 – 2:30 PM  Break

2:30 – 4:00 PM  Session 8
Sharing of fresh insights and revisiting questions from the beginning of the workshop

Did we answer all your questions?    


Objectives of the workshop:

  • Discuss how the understanding of the metaphor of the 3 Universal Principles of Mind, Consciousness, Thought point to the attributes of the Energy of all things formless and in form as intelligent, aware, and creative.
  • Discuss the evidence that the Nature of The Energy of All Things is Love
  • Discuss “no person’s psyche is better than any others. Only to the degree of the individual’s psychological and spiritual understanding does it appear to vary.”
  • Discuss the difference between a theology and a religion.
  • Discuss the connection between our formless spiritual nature, our thought created psychological nature and our thought informed physiological nature.
  • Discuss emotional and/or physical distress as alarm(s) serving a salutary purpose.
  • Discuss why laughter has the same potential for healing from mental distress as Ketamine, LSD, Psilocybin, and ECT
  • Discuss “There is always hope because there is always health.”
  • Discuss “psychiatric diagnoses/labels are an attempt to describe Where you are NOT Who you are”
  • Discuss the ramifications, if true, of the statement that “a spiritual wisdom lies within the consciousness of all human beings”
  • Discuss that experience is an ‘Inside-Out Not and Out side-In creation.

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