Bylaws of the Idaho Society of Individual Psychology

(Revised March 2024)

Article I. Name

The name of this organization shall be the Idaho Society of Individual Psychology, Inc. (ISIP).

Article II. Purposes

Section 1: This society is organized and shall be operated exclusively to further educational and scientific objectives and for no other purpose.

Section 2: The specific objectives of the society are to:

a. Provide an opportunity for persons interested in Individual Psychology (also known as Adlerian Psychology) to share and progress in its use in educational, medical, personnel, and mental health services, and also in personal, social, and family relationships,

b. Encourage personal and professional growth,

c. Encourage research in and stimulate the further scientific development of Individual Psychology,

d. Assemble a library of literature and other information relating to Individual Psychology.

Article III. Membership

Section 1: Membership shall be open to all persons interested in furthering the objectives of the Idaho Society of Individual Psychology.

Section 2: Dues shall be determined by the Executive Board.

Section 3: The fiscal year shall extend from January 1 to December 31 and membership year shall be from annual conference to annual conference.

Article IV. Meetings

Section 1: An annual conference shall be held during which officers shall be installed. This meeting shall be held the first Friday and Saturday in March unless otherwise specified by the Executive Board. The site of this meeting shall be determined by the Executive Board. Special meetings for the membership may be called by the Executive Board.

Section 2: Written notice must be sent to members at least two weeks prior to the meetings. The newsletter of the Idaho Society of Individual Psychology may be considered sufficient written notice.

Section 3: To conduct business at a meeting, a quorum of twenty percent of the total membership must be present.

Article V. Officers and Duties

Section 1: The officers shall be President, Vice President (President-Elect), Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian.

Section 2: New officers shall be installed at the conclusion of the annual meeting each year.  Elections shall be held at the annual meeting with a slate prepared by the Nominating Committee with provisions for candidates to be nominated from the floor.  There shall be twenty-four (24) hours between the presentation of the slate and the voting process.

Section 3: Duties and Officers:

a. President – shall preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Executive Board.  S/he shall be the ex-officio member of all committees. S/he shall serve in an executive function.  S/he is authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the society, sign documents on behalf and perform other tasks appropriate to the position.  S/he may make decisions in coordination with the treasurer regarding urgent expenditures without additional board consultation however shall be required to justify said expenditures at the next board meeting. S/he may retain legal, accounting or other counsel on behalf of the society.  The President shall have access to all data held by the society without exception and have passwords and appropriate access to all accounts.   S/he shall provide at least two weeks notice to the members of all general meetings of the Society.  S/he shall give reasonable notification to Board members of all Board meetings.  

b. Vice President (President-Elect) – shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence and shall assist the President in carrying on the business of the Society.  S/he shall serve as chair of the Program Committee and shall appoint the members of this committee.  The year following his/her Vice Presidency, s/he shall serve as President of the Society.  The President and board will work with the Vice President and seek counsel and guidance in order to fully prepare them for their future role as President. The vice president shall have access to all data held by the society without exception in order to facilitate smooth transition of authority at the time of their ascension to the role of President.

c. Secretary – shall keep the minutes of the Executive Board and other meetings of the Society, and perform usual duties of the office.

d. Treasurer – shall receive and disburse the funds of the Society as approved by the Board.  Treasurer shall keep and preserve proper vouchers and books of accounts, which shall be open to inspection by the Board of Directors and subject to audit.  The Treasurer shall deposit Society funds in such banks as may be approved by the Board of Directors and shall disburse money only for approved investments or upon approved vouchers and in accordance with policies and procedures approved by the Board of Directors.  The Treasurer shall submit, to the Executive Board, a preliminary operating budget to be approved by the Board.  The Treasurer shall be prepared to submit a financial report at each meeting called by the Executive Board.

e. Historian – shall maintain a history of the Society and its activities in Idaho.  This officer shall serve on the Publications Committee.  All records are to be passed on to the next Historian at the end of the term.

Article VI. Executive Board

Section 1: Composition – The Board shall consist of the President, Vice President (President-Elect), Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Immediate Past President, and up to (9) Members at Large representing the geographical areas of the state. The President Elect, President, and Immediate Past President will appoint up to three (3) Members at Larch with the approval of the Executive Boards. In order to avoid conflicts of interest, no individual serving in a contract position or employee of ISIP may serve concurrently on the board.

Section 2: Vacancies, Resignations, and Substitutes – The absence of any officer or member at large from two consecutive Board meetings shall constitute a vacancy unless such absence has been sanctioned by the Board. When a vacancy or resignation occurs, it shall be filled by the Board within 30 days. The officer so elected shall hold office until the next election. Members at Large may endorse their credentials and responsibilities to another member of the Society who will act as a substitute for each and any sessions of the Executive Board for which they are unable to attend, by the joint signatures of the Member at Large and the President or Secretary.

Section 3: Duties – The Executive Board shall be the planning and business unit of the Society.  The responsibilities of the Board will be to:

a. Provide the entire membership with a periodic newsletter reporting activities of the Board and the Society, and other materials for the benefit of the organization;

b. Determine time and place of the annual and general meetings;

c. Make long-range plans for the Society;

d. Approve nominees of the President in filling vacancies on the Executive Board, the Nominating Committee, or in any other committee;

e. Render decisions of policy and procedure for officers or committees;

f. Stimulate and encourage research and techniques in the use of Individual Psychology;

g. Disseminate information through printed materials, social media, speakers, forums, films, tapes,  CD, video, DVD, online media,  radio, television programs;

h. Cooperate with the National and International organizations of Individual Psychology;

i. Seek counsel from the established leaders in this field;

j. Establish annual dues as necessary to keep the organization on a sound financial basis; and

k. Solicit, at its discretion, the assistance of an individual, on a membership-year contract basis, in the position of Executive Director, to assist with general administrative matters of the Society, as specified within the contract. The Executive Director shall serve at the discretion of the board and is answerable to the board.  They will work closely with and at the direction of the President to ensure timely completion of tasks assigned by the President and/or board  consensus.  S/he shall be responsible for organization of Society events and activities, and serve as primary coordinator of accounting, communication with membership and other tasks designated by the board.  S/he shall have access to all accounts and data necessary to perform their role.  Their activities may be audited at any time by the board.

l. Solicit, at its discretion, contracted trainers to teach basic series events.  These individuals shall demonstrate competency and ability as teachers of Adlerian topics and have completed Train the Trainer class though the Society.

Section 4: Decisions – All Executive Board decisions shall be reached by consensus. If the Board cannot reach a consensus, then the decision shall be tabled until the next meeting. If no consensus can be reached at the second meeting and the situation is such that a decision must be made, a decision shall be made by majority vote.

Section 5: Quorum – A quorum for any meeting of the Board shall consist of five (5) Board members.

Article VII. Committees

Section 1: All committee members shall serve until the next annual meeting or until successors are appointed.

Section 2: Program Committee – The Program Committee shall consist of not fewer than three (3) members and will be chaired or appointed by the Vice President (President-Elect). This committee shall be responsible for planning the meetings which draw the Society’s members together. All meetings of the Society requiring facilities, hosts, and/or dinners shall be the responsibility of the Program Committee. All plans must be approved by the Executive Board in advance.

Section 3: Research and Publications Committee – The Research and Publications Committee shall consist of not fewer than three (3) persons and will be chaired or appointed by the President or his/her designee. It shall be responsible for:

a. Publishing a minimum of two Society newsletters to be distributed to the membership and selected organizations;

b. Promoting and encouraging a collection of papers for publication in the Society’s newsletter or in other appropriate publications;

c. Reporting new developments in Individual psychology or verifying information pertaining to existing programs.

Section 4: Professional Committee – The Professional Committee shall consist of representatives from education, psychology, medicine, business, and other professions as the need develops, and will be chaired or appointed by the President or his/her designee. The Professional Committee will assist in establishing positive relationships with other professional groups, such as local schools, medical societies, and community, family, or psychiatric clinics. The Professional Committee will review questions of professional ethics and make recommendations to the membership.

The committee shall be responsible for encouraging parent study groups and other Adlerian theoretical and practical studies and applications on a state-wide basis by:

a. Assembling duplicated information on the requirements and minimum essentials, aiding in conducting study groups, and recommending qualified group leaders;

b. Encouraging the reporting of experiences, improved approaches and adaptation to local conditions; and

c. Lending moral support in the early development of study groups in new localities.

Section 5: The Membership Committee – The Membership Committee shall consist of at least three (3) persons. The Membership Committee chair will be appointed by the President. This committee shall be responsible for encouraging and promoting membership growth by:

a. Preparing a simple brochure of the description and purpose of the Society and making this information available to potential members, academic classes, parent study groups, and other professional groups;

b. Reporting membership growth and changes to the general membership through the Society’s newsletter; and

c. Assisting members with ways to recruit new members.

Section 6: Library Committee – The Library Committee shall consist of a Librarian and as many others as appointed by the President. This committee shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining the Society’s library.

Section 7: Nominating Committee – A Nominating Committee shall consist of three (3) or more persons representative of the geographical and functional activities of the Society. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President or his/her designee, who shall act as chair. This committee shall be responsible for the presenting a slate of candidates for office to the membership at the annual meeting.

Section 8: Audit Committee – An Audit Committee shall consist of at least two (2) members of the Society, appointed by the President. The Audit Committee duty shall be to audit the Books of the Society at the close of the fiscal year, at the transfer of the Books, and at any time identified by the President.

Section 9: The Sponsorship Committee – The Sponsorship Committee shall consist of 3 or more persons. The Sponsorship Committee Chair shall be appointed by the President. This committee will be responsible for reaching out to past, and potential sponsors for the upcoming annual conference and for other financial needs ISIP has.
Section 10: Unless otherwise provided, all committee chairs and members shall be appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Board.

Article VIII. Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the Society in all cases not covered by these bylaws or any special rules of order the Society may adopt.

Article IX. Amendments

These bylaws may be amended at a general membership meeting by a two-thirds vote, a quorum being present, providing the proposed amendment has been sent to the members at least two (2) weeks prior to the meeting.

Article X. Disposition of Assets

Upon the dissolution of this Society any assets in any form whatsoever in excess of liabilities shall be distributed to the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology.

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