2024 What is Individual Psychology? Idaho Recertification Rules Information

IDAPA Rule 25.15.01 Rules of Board of Professional Counselors/Marriage & Family Therapists section 07 states:

07. Continuing Education. In each twenty-four (24) month period preceding the renewal of a license, all licensees must complete six (6) hours in ethics, three (3) hours of boundaries, and three (3) hours in suicide assessment or intervention. Additionally, licensees are required to comply with the continuing education and competence sections of the Codes of Ethics pertaining to their licensure.

IDAPA Rule 24.14.01 Rules of the State Board of Social Work Examiners section 05 states:

05. Continuing Education. To renew or return to active status, licensees must complete during the preceding twenty-four (24) months, and retain proof of completion for four (4) years, of thirty (30) hours of continuing education, two (2) hours of which must be in professional ethics and the remainder germane to the practice of social work. CE hours may be obtained for preparing and providing germane continuing education or training to other professionals and for individual research projects. Courses that are part of the curriculum of an accredited university, college or other educational institution are allotted CE credit at the rate of fifteen (15) CE hours for each semester hour or ten (10) CE hours for each quarter hour of school credit awarded. (7-1-24)

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